Monday, December 30, 2019

Bad Management Behaviors

Bad Management BehaviorsBad Management BehaviorsWe all need to gripe about our anfhrer now and then.And managers, youre kidding yourself if you dont think you are the subject of your employees dinner time conversation once in a while. It comes with the job. Most managers are decent, hardworking human beings with the best of intentions. But no manager is perfect, and sometimes stress brings out the worst of behaviors. Here is a list of things that managers do to annoy their employees. Managers, do an honest self-assessment or better yet,get some candid feedback and if you are doing any of ansicht things, make a resolution to STOP doing it. Not being responsive to questions or requests.When an employee asks a question or makes a request, dont ignore it until they have to ask again. Be responsive yes, no, maybe, or let them know when you will have an answer for them.Forgetting what you have asked them to do. Yes, we all forget now and then, I know I sure do. When you do, it tells your employee what you asked them to do may not really be that important.Assigning the same task to different employees.This could happen due to forgetfulness, or it could be setting employees up intentionally to compete. Both are annoying. Not setting an example(do as I say, not as I do).Leaders need to be role models, not hypocrites.Taking special privileges.For example, flying first or business class and having your team fly coach. There is a great leadership tradition in the military officers eat last. Its a good voreingestellt for corporate managers to keep in mind.Coasting. Some managers get complacent, even lazy, yet expect their employees to pick up the slack. If you are going to retire, dont do it on the job.Not pitching in in a crisis.All hands on deck means ALL hands, including the manager. While its true that managers should not be doing the work of their employees on a regular basis, the crew will sure appreciate when a manager pitches in and gets their hands dirty when ne eded. Overpromising and under delivering.This is another symptom of the Type A visionary manager who comes up with lots of big ideasbut rarely follows through with any of them. After a while, they losecredibility and trust.Not listening/multitasking. Employees know when a manager isnt paying attention, and its more than annoying, its disrespectful.Insensitively to signs of overwork. The manager that keeps piling it on, oblivious to the telltale warning signs that an employee is on overload and about to hit the breaking point. Fighting with and badmouthing your peers or boss.Employees want their managers to have positive, collaborative relationships with their manager and peers. If they dont, its the employees who end up suffering the consequences of a lack of resources and cooperation from their other departments.A lack of understanding or appreciation for the work. An often heard employee complaintMy boss doesnt have a clue what I do or how hard I workTaking credit, not giving cred it.A surefire way to destroy trust and loyalty. Inexcusable, justhorrible boss behavior Holding back, not sharing critical info. Knowledge is powerMicromanaging. Ah, the number one thing a manager can do to annoy employeesNot addressing performance problems. No one appreciates seeing their coworkers get away with murder.Playing favorites. Its hard to be perceived as treating everyone fairly. One way to make it harder is to think you can be friends with your employees. Many managers think they can it usually backfires.Sending emails, texts, or making phone calls on weekends and evenings,and expecting an immediate answer. Employees need their own personal time, let them have it. Being cheap. Managers often have to tighten the belt, but there is a big difference between frugal and cheap. Frugal is staying at a less expensive motel. Cheap is making employees room together.Indecisiveness.Not making a decision, or taking forever to make a decision. Either way, the manager becomes a bottl eneck.Waffling.Similar to indecisiveness, but its like trying to please everyone and flip-flopping back and forth.Loose lips.Betraying confidences anotherway to erode trust.Being moody, emotionally volatile, and unpredictable. I once knew a manager that everyone always checked with his secretary to find out what kind of mood he was in for the day. She even developed a handy early warning system. Wont ever admit a mistake.The manager who is quick to blame others and point fingers with no humility.My way or the highway. The manager who insists on doing everyone the right way when its really their way.Not open to new ideas.The manager who is quick to shoot down new ideas, instead of being open to possibilities.Its all about me. The manager with a big ego, with little interest in their employees world.Not being available.The manager who is impossible to reach, always busy, and doesnt take the time to have regular one-on-one meetings. Abusing your power. Being a bully, in often is subt le ways, likemaking your employee wear funny hats.Being a buzzkill.When an employee shares good news or an accomplishment with the manager and the manager points out that the glass is only half full.Being a know-it-all.The manager that always has to one-up the employee to show them how smart they are.Yes, thats a good idea, and heres how to make it even better

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